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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We are never given a Divine Assignment without...

There's an opportunity to view what looks like a problem to us, as we would view a child’s difficulties. When we can see a child’s difficulties from the adult perspective, we know the child will get past it. We know that with new learning and understanding we get a bigger paradigm. ~Mary Manin Morrissey
We only get what we can handle. We are never given a Divine Assignment without receiving the support we need. Have you ever had an experience where even though you know that the last two statements are true, you want to throw your hands up to the heavens and say, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

In case you have not been following the last few blogs, I am in the process of creating a financial bridge from now until April 2011. The bridge is necessary because although I am working, I will not receive the next flow of money until March or April. It is the nature of the work I am in at the moment. I have a trickle of money from social media clients and counseling clients who can pay me. But, the larger projects...(links to the first two blogs are at the end of this blog.)

I want to share some of the support that has shown up for me in the last two weeks of this journey.

1. Kathryn Yarborough: Kathryn and I have been collaborating together for the past six months and are about to launch a collaborative community project that will support people emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and for some, financially. She keeps me connected and focused on my life purpose.

2. Anna Stookey: Anna and I have been book support buddies for over two years. She listens, supports, and helps me find the answers that are inside of me.

3. Ann Taylor: A healer who offers free calls and healings at least once a week. She is on free tele-summits, radio shows and has a free healing audio on her website.

4. A blessing call appeared through an e-mail. A free astrology update from a friend (Saturn is on my Sun until March 24- for the astrology lovers)

5. Liz Draman: Liz decided to offer a 30 day challenge of the Violet Flame and has offered free tele-seminars almost every night since Feb 1 with healing meditations and community support.

6. My buddy in an Enwaken program who does energy readings on me once a week. I serve her and she serves me.

7. Agape Spiritual Center Services are on-line and FREE!

8. Grandmother Speaks Blessing at the beach.

9. LaVonne Rees, the creator of offered a walk on the beach with an hour discussion about possibilities which helped me to find the next steps.

10. A free download from Jean Houston talking about our Higher Purpose

11. Prayers and words of encouragement and financial blessings from women who believe in me!

12. Seminarian Students and The Beloved Community and the reminder of my purpose daily.

13. A community at the local coffeeshop.

14. Numerous inspirations on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, BlogTalk Radio and through e-mail.

So, if you are going through a challenging time, my first suggestion is to find something or someone in your life who is demonstrating the God presence of support. You may or may not have a strong community around you at this time. I remember 25 years ago, leaving my first marriage with no support from family and friends. But, even then, there were simple messages that appeared to tell me to keep going, it would get better, I was strong enough, I would survive and look back at this time as amazing. 

Some of my strongest emotional muscles were developed during that time and they have served me well in many situations, including now.

So, look around you and see the God presence of support.

1. A flower blooming, a tree, a bird flying or anything else that demonstrates Mother Nature's presence in your life. 

2. The smile from a stranger.

3. A bumper sticker or license plate sending you a message of blessings.

4. Unexpected support from someone.

5. A new idea.

6. And after spending time processing your situation, your feelings, the soul calling, turn your attention to the possibility of something shifting now.

Even when we may not feel support from a large community. Even when the support does not immediately change our circumstances. Even when we think we are out of hope or options:

We Are Never Given a Divine Assignment Without Receiving the Support We Need. 

Listen for the inner guidance on what to do next everyday and then Take Action! I believe in you!

The Blog Links for Face to Face with an Eviction and The Power of Surrendering to Feelings of Terror and Fear.

(Blog 1:
Blog 2:

1 comment:

  1. Andrea - what an inspiration and teacher you are to me. I love your reminders about finding the Presence of the Divine all around us.
